The Harold Warp Pioneer Village has several volunteer and paid opportunities in the coming months. Please keep these dates available and sign up at this link to help the Village continue to serve our visitors.
April 1 & 8
Rake and Clean-Up Days
Duties involve:
- Raking and general clean-up for the Village
- Preparing the grounds for the new season
Mid-May (Exact dates TBD)
Carousel Rebuild
Duties involve:
- Providing meals for volunteers staying at campground
- Assist with building deck for the carousel.
June 10-11
70th anniversary of Pioneer Village: Theme JAZZ ERA
Duties involve:
- Serve on committee to assist with planning the events.
- Work during the weekend of the anniversary (specific duties to be assigned once plans are in place)
Seasonal & year-round
There are a number of ongoing opportunities for volunteer help on a regular basis at Pioneer Village. Duties range from lawn mowing to dusting and everything in between.
PAID positions
- Weavers, spinners, broom-making demonstration staff.
- (Some training provided for these roles). Your schedule is somewhat flexible, every other weekend and additional days in between. Approx. 7 hrs. per day. April – Sept./Oct.
- Campground Hosts
- Serve the Pioneer Village Campground as hosts for fellow campers.
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