From Plastic to Pioneer Village

From Plastic to Pioneer Village

(This column originally ran July 20, 2014 but was recently reprinted in the Lincoln Journal-Star.) Mention the name Harold Warp tp practically any Nebraskan, and his amazing Pioneer Village in Minden immediately is calledto mind. Many others think of the now...
American Confetti – The Magical World of Carousels

American Confetti – The Magical World of Carousels

Picture this: way back in medieval times, during the Crusades, horsemen played a game tossing a clay ball back and forth, leading to the birth of the term “carousel.” The Spanish and Italians caught wind of this game, dubbing it “carosello,” which loosely translates...
American Confetti: “Just a minute or two”

American Confetti: “Just a minute or two”

Tractors have played a pivotal role in revolutionizing agricultural practices, replacing traditional manual labor and animal-powered methods with more efficient and cost-effective mechanization. The term “tractor” has its roots in Latin, originating from the word...
American Confetti: Computing Through Time

American Confetti: Computing Through Time

A New Exhibit at Harold Warp Pioneer Village Step right up, tech time travelers! Get ready to journey through the riveting saga of computing at the brand-new exhibit in Harold Warp Pioneer Village! From ancient abacuses to mind-boggling virtual reality headsets, this...