American Confetti – The Magical World of Carousels

American Confetti – The Magical World of Carousels

Picture this: way back in medieval times, during the Crusades, horsemen played a game tossing a clay ball back and forth, leading to the birth of the term “carousel.” The Spanish and Italians caught wind of this game, dubbing it “carosello,” which loosely translates...

Careers at Harold Warp Pioneer Village

The following jobs are currently available at the Harold Warp Pioneer Village.   Founded by Harold Warp, Pioneer Village is a 70 year old museum consisting of 28 buildings located on 23 acres housing over 50,000 irreplaceable items of historical value, restored to...
10/11 News Visits Pioneer Village – Renovation Progress

10/11 News Visits Pioneer Village – Renovation Progress

By Jon Vanderford We recently visited the unique Nebraska tourism attraction in Minden known as “The Harold Warp Pioneer Village”, and we discovered a number of improvements are happening. One of the renovation projects involves the Valentine diner. “This diner is...